TBBT Videos

We’ve got links to some fun videos below, including TV commercials starring Jim Parsons (Sheldon), a clip from Garden State featuring Jim Parsons as a Medieval Times knight, and more.

I’m the One That’s Cool” video

Yeah, this has no direct connection to The Big Bang Theory… but it’s the most amazing nerd anthem ever. Felicia Day and her gang from The Guild are bringing the awesome here!

You can buy the song on iTunes.

Video of Barenaked Ladies playing the Theme Song from The Big Bang Theory at Comic-Con 2010

Quiznos “Raised by Wolves” Ads

Featuring Jim Parsons (Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory)

There are two versions of this ad. Click the links to see the mainstream version and the alternate version.

Stride Gum Ads

Featuring Jim Parsons (Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory)

Watch “Brad from Accounting” and “Jump Rope”

DiGiorno Pizza “Family Secrets” Ad

Featuring Jim Parsons (Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory)

FedEx “Lazy Son” Ad

Featuring Jim Parsons (Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory)

Clip from 10 Items or Less

Featuring Jim Parsons (Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory)

Clip from Garden State

Featuring Jim Parsons (Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory)

Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog

Featuring Simon Helberg (Howard Wolowitz on The Big Bang Theory)

Download video from iTunes

Sprite Ad

Featuring Simon Helberg (Howard Wolowitz on The Big Bang Theory)

Porn Tech Support

from CollegeHumor.com

Starring Kunal Nayyar (Rajesh Koothrappali on The Big Bang Theory)